Architecture Asia and the Pursuit of Discourse on Contemporary Asian Architecture—Record of “Thailand Contemporary Architecture Forum”


ZHOU Minghao, Managing Editor, Architecture Asia; Associate Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

*WANG Yanze, Executive Editor, Architecture Asia; Assistant Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

ZHENG Xin, Assistant Editor, Architecture Asia

Abstract: Architecture Asia is the official journal of the Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA). Since 2020, when the Architectural Society of China (ASC) and Tongji University undertook the editing work as the journal’s co-publishers, the journal has been dedicated to transforming from a traditional printed publication to a new media platform. The Tongji editorial team has built an eco-chain of “project display + academic discussion” through various approaches, including publications and forums, to reveal contemporary architectural developments in Asia. This paper covers the revision process of the journal, as well as details about the first Architecture Asia forum, the Thailand Contemporary Architecture Forum, with the hope of advancing new models to promote regional interaction between ARCASIA member institutes to improve the international influence of young Asian architects, and to enhance professional communications between Asia and the world.
A selection of published magazine issues
Group photo of Architecture Asia Forum Series: Thailand Contemporary Architecture
The diverse locations of the Advisory Board members
Official website of Architecture Asia