No Sunrise No Sunset Pavilion


Architect Firm: Walllasia Ltd.
Location: Ao Nang Beach, Krabi Province, Thailand
Area: 50 square meters
Completion Date: October 2018
Photography: Spaceshift Studio



‘Yai Sa is the symbol of love and awaiting. She has been waiting for someone she loves who has been leaving her to search for the ultimate truth and promise her, he will return to her when he finds it.

Everyday, she stands at this same point waiting for him.

What is the ultimate truth? And where is it? Is it extrinsic? Or is it already has in our mind? Which is love, mercy, change, death, emptiness, or oneness.

‘No Sunrise No Sunset’ because “The sun stays in the same place, but the world itself is spinning around”. We see the world as the way we want so the world is like the way we are. Since we see the world as the way it is, we will see beauty and virtue of its nature.

This project is a life-specific represents the parallel world between the ultimate truth world and illusional world. It also creates the awareness of the condition of timeless moment and non-self-attached. That is a connection between inner and outer space (subjective and objective), you and me.’

Kamin Lertchaiprasert obsesses on life and truth. His artistic practice has been a means to discover and explore the relationships between and beyond those two words. For the last thirty years, his practice has evolved from the interest of the self to the relationship with others. It results in various projects that involve an element of collaboration, participation and simply learning together. Rather than consider his projects as site-specific art, Lertchaiprasert has named them Life-specific. His approach combines the contextualisation of the physicality of the space and the spiritual aspects of life in general. The aim is the convert the site-specificity into what can be seen as a condition of universality.
